Website Manager

HTRBA Little League

Hamilton Township Recreational Baseball Association

Helpful Coaching Links


Concussion Training:  CDC's HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports

SafeSport Training:   Team USA Prep Center


1.  Go to

2.  In the box where it says: "Enter your SERVICE CODE to get started", enter the following code:
Youth Volunteers (YSB):

3.  Click on SCHEDULE or MANAGE YOUR APPOINTMENT to complete your application.
The contributor case number is (Hamilton Township VRO): LO5001

You will receive an email confirmation and receipt.  Please keep these for reference.

For additional questions, please call 855-845-7434

Background checks are valid for 3 years.  If you have any questions pertaining to your current fingerprint status, please call the Hamilton Township Recreation Office at 609-890-4028.


HTRBA Code of Conduct

HTRBA Quick Reference Guide with Pitch Counts

***Does not take the place of reading and understanding all official Little League rules stated in the "Green Book" and the rules stated in the HTRBA League Handbook.

Medical Release Form

Accident Form
Instructions for filling out this form can be found here.


HTRBA Instructional Clinic Plan

USA Baseball Online Education

Little League University

Official Little League Tee Ball Division Plan

Official Little League Coach Pitch Division Plan


Hamilton Township Field Permit Process

Pitch Count Limits and Required Rest

All HTRBA teams must follow the chart and adhere to the daily max pitches and required rest periods.

0 Days 1 Days 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days
6-8 50 1-20 21-35 36-50 N/A N/A
9-10 75 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+
11-12 85 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+
13-14 95 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+
15-16 95 1-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76+
17-18 105 1-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76+
19-22 120 1-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76+

Important Pre-Season Dates

For 2021 Regular Season

APRIL 17 - Opening Day - Tee Ball & Minors

MAY 9 - Pitch, Hit & Run

TBD District 12 Safety Meeting

TBD District 12 Coaches Clinic

Apr 7 Opening Day Ceremonies

Message About Saftey In and Around the Dugout

We want to remind everyone to be diligent in preserving the safe environment that we all work very hard to provide. Here are some safety reminders that all Coaches, Parents, and Players need to be aware of… 

1. There is NO on-deck circle in Little League. The only player allowed to take swings before their at-bat is the 1st batter of every inning. Further, this should be done in close proximity to the batter's box. Even with this, Coaches need to be cognizant of the surroundings
2. Players are not allowed to TOUCH their bats until they are going up to bat.... Coaches need to be diligent on this one!!!!
3. No Player is allowed outside of the dugout until they are going up to bat. The Bench Coach needs to ensure that they run an organized dugout
4. No Siblings are allowed in the dugout at ANY time.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS
5. Players who are "on deck" or "on double deck" should all have their helmets on.
6. If you do not have enough coaches, you can ask any of the parents to assist you for that one game. However, we recommend that a Manager or Coach maintain the bench coach responsibilities.
7. A player should not be placed in a position where he/she cannot protect themselves from injury.

As a reminder, all of these items are in our Manager's Handbook, Safety Plan and on our website.  If we work together to protect our children, we all win!! 

Play it Safe, HTRBA! 

Contact Us


PO Box 3231, 10 Ferndale Avenue
Mercerville, New Jersey 08619

Email: [email protected]


PO Box 3231, 10 Ferndale Avenue
Mercerville, New Jersey 08619

Email: [email protected]
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